Go4It Resources



Book A Show

When you’re ready to book your appointments - this is where you’ll go! Clicking on “Book A Show” will pull up our calendar of availability! Simply fill in the info & submit!


This tab is for your previously scheduled friends/family that needed to reschedule - you can rebook them by simply clicking on this tab rather than re-entering the info.


This is a full overview of your program with all info about each of your appointemnts.

Confirm Appointment

This is not necessarily required but it is helpful for our scheduling team! The day of your appointment you’ll want to click on this and find your appointment for the day by clicking “CONFIRM” it lets our scheduling team know you’ve spoken to your friends/family and the showing is good to go.

Go4It Program FAQs

How & when will I receive my gifts?

Gifts can be picked up at Customer Appreciation Night! Please visit the appointments page to locate the RSVP form to see when our next scheduled event is. To pick up items you’ll need to complete the RSVP form and let us know which items you intend to receive at that time our gift department will verify the completion of required demos to approve your pickup!

How do I know you received my booked appointment?

Once an appointment is booked using the customer portal in RBO2GO you’ll receive an email with the info submitted. Please allow 24 hours to see the appointment on your calendar in your customer portal. This allows time for our scheduling department to process your appointment.

How far do you all travel for appointments?

We will travel up to a 45 mile radius from our office located in Tempe, AZ. Anything outside of this area will need to be directly discussed with our scheduling department. You can reach them at 480-673-8246.

What does “standby” mean?

If you’re seeing standby on the calendar this means all confirmed appointments slots are filled, however, about 30% of our appointments reschedule everyday and that opens up last minute opportunities for us to cover our standby appointments. All this means if upon booking you don’t have a confirmed slot, we will contact you day of and keep you in the loop if we are able or unable to cover your appointment.

Can I book a demo outside of the offered 10am, 2pm & 6pm time slots?

Absolutely! We try our best to these 3 time slots to accommodate as many clients as possible, however we understand these times don’t work for everyone! Simply contact out scheduling department 480-673-8246 and they will direct you on how to book a showing outside of the offered slots.

I’m done with my program, what’s next?

OMG! We are SO HAPPY FOR YOU! Thank you so much for all your hard work & dedication! You’ll need to submit a verification request to our gift department. Simply email giftdept@ezrainbows.com and they will send your request over to the verification team! Our office will be in contact on next steps!

I have a family/friend out of state who wants to see a demo?

If you’re wanting to book an out of state appointment, please book this appointment as normal in your app. Please text/call our scheduling department prior to booking so we can approve the out of state appointment to make sure it’s within a territory our region covers. We will make sure the details of the appointment are set to the corresponding office. This office will confirm the appointment with your friends/family the day of the scheduled appointment.